Monday, October 14, 2019

Editing Lessons Blog

     Today we learned about editing and how to use our cameras and this will be extremely crucial in the coming week. The first thing we learned about was how to use the camera as well as how to use the tripod. The first most crucial thing when it comes to using the camera is making sure it’s charged. To do this, it was recommended that we plug in the camera a day before use this way we will ensure that it is fully charged for one we would like to use it. In order for the camera to charge the video screen needs to be closed. The next thing we learned was how to actually use the camera. Do you particular camera that we will be using features a touchscreen and a silver pause/play button. The next thing we learned how to do, was how to use the tripod. To do this properly we must extend the legs and locking them into place. Next to attach the camera to the tripod you had to remove a small black desk and screw it into the camera, and then reattach it to the tripod.

     The next thing that we learned about today was video editing. The editing platform that we are going to be using is called pinnacle studio and is a lot like Premier Pro, which I am learning how to use in another class. The first thing that we have to do, after loading our computer up and opening the application, is insert SD card reader into our computer and dump all of our video files into a new folder. To find our files we open up the ST card folder of our computer and select the DCIM folder and if this does not work we then select the private AVCHD folder. After doing this we then remove the reader and import our files. Now saved onto our computers, we can start to edit. We will then drag all of our files onto the editing track called AV track two. AV track one will be used for any text that we might want to add on, and AV track three will be used for voice-overs and additional sound. If we wish to only use part of the video clip we can separate the good parts from the bad parts using the razor blade tool. To add transitions we will right click on a video clip, and select editing studio and then select the transition we would like to  add.

     Finally in today’s lesson we learned how to export our videos. To do this we will click the export button and then click on MPG4. For the best video Scilence we will select full size SD. This of course will be from a drop-down menu. After exporting we can close the exporting window but should only minimize our project. This will be strategic because if D recorder has not smooth it out all of our work, we will have to re-export. After doing this we will probably email it to Mr. Katz and Mrs. Katz and then be able to close the application. I am really going to enjoy this first project and as always, I plan to keep you guys updated.

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